The ONE thing all hairstylists want.

We interviewed hundreds of hairstylists and you wouldn't believe their top priority is! 

We had a lot of questions and boy, did people deliver. From market analysis, we understood that hairstylists and barbers are absolutely underpaid and some barely cutting the poverty line. So we had expected the top priority for hair-cutting specialists would be higher pay. 

But we were shocked by what we found. That the highest complaint - if they could fix one thing about their career is CHOOSING their clients. 

It's no shocker that working in the service industry can wear on you mentally. We've all seen the videos of "Karens" losing their mind over a completely reasonable expectation. But for that to be the number ONE call-out? Whoa. 

priority, importance

Okay, maybe it does make sense. Money is important but so is job satisfaction - in fact,  in our generation job satisfaction may be THE most important career requirement (as discussed in our previous blog post).

With that in mind and our vision that we are building this company to serve people in the hair industry, we set out to make it a top priority to get hairstylists their dream clients. We put several systems in place to make mutual respect a founding principle of the company, and to create a place for stylists to own their brand, and connect with like-minded individuals. 

So what features improve stylist and client interactions?

Possibly our brightest feature,  the TWO-way rating system will have a huge impact on stylist-client relationships. This feature puts the interaction and relationship-building between clients and hairstylists are the forefront, where clients are held to the same standard as hair professionals (and it should be!). The fact is when you know you are going to be “graded” on something you are more aware and intentional about the interaction. Hairstylists will be able to use this rating as a tool to connect with clients that meet their standards and have the same ideals, as the people they “vibe” with most.

A client rating a hairstylist or barber on the clipt app five stars for the hairstyle she received after completing her appointment.

Another way for hairstylists to match up with their ideal clients is through the use of the Stylist Profile. This includes a portfolio and bio that allows stylists to share their specialties, personality, and interests. If a stylist shares they specialize in boys’ fades, then they’ll match more with clients looking for the same thing. It's a win-win and a feature we look forward to educating stylists in maximizing its brand-building potential. 

Education is also at the forefront of Clipt’s principles. After signing up, both clients and stylists will have a library of informative guide videos and documents. We help everyone to understand the Clipt founding principles of inclusivity and connectivity and some tips on creating a safe environment and fostering the kind of relationships we all want to have. 

Another major concern with hairstylists is the frustrating amount of cancellations. We are busy people and understand the importance of not wasting time. This is an area we’ve given a LOT of thought to, and plan to track with rigorous accountability standards. Cancellations do happen, but we've made it our priority to track repeat offenders and we'll have the tough conversations, so stylists don't have to. 

All of these features and more are aimed to create positive and organic stylist-client connections. By fostering mutual respect and understanding, we believe everyone benefits. Hairstylists will gain a more enjoyable, fulfilling work-life balance. Our mission to give hairstylists the job satisfaction you long for and deserve. 

We would love to hear your thoughts! What do you think about the two-way rating system? What other features would you suggest adding to support stylists’ well-being and overall happiness?

Are you interested in being one of the first professionals on the app in your region? Let us know!


What would you do with the freedom to choose?


The Beginning