Our Story:

It all started with a very long and very rough trip to a well-known hair cutting store.

As a mom of four young kids, drowning in sticky fingers and messy hair, I decided to brave the wilds of a well-known hair-cutting store with my rambunctious boys. Picture it: kids squirming, hair flying, and tears (theirs and mine). Not exactly a fairy tale.

You see, I had a hair emergency of my own, but finding a babysitter for an eternity (a.k.a. several hours) to get an appointment felt impossible. Frustrated and frazzled, I trudged home and vented to my husband, Zach, about the whole ordeal. Why wasn’t there a better way for busy parents to get a haircut without losing their sanity?

In swooped our good friend Eric, also a parent juggling his own brood, to join the brainstorming session. With the power of three mighty parents combined, we made a pact to find a solution. We realized that life shouldn’t be a choice between a decent haircut and keeping your kids from redecorating the salon with their crayon masterpieces.

We wanted judgment-free family haircare and services tailored to meet our family's unique sensory needs. Fueled by a desire to create more freedom and flexibility for families, we envisioned a world where everyone could have a say in their own hair destiny. And so, Clipt was born – a platform to empower hair stylists and customers alike.

Now, Zach, Eric, and I are thrilled to partner with like-minded folks, making waves (and not just in hair) in the industry. Together, we look forward to transforming how families everywhere tackle their hair care needs, one snip at a time. And trust me, as a mom who’s been there, that’s something worth cheering for!


  • Eric Haupt


    Capability developer, military leader, aspiring YouTuber, potential writer.

  • Zach Johns


    Data Driven, business oriented, drives others to excel, leader in innovation.

  • Amy Johns


    Tired mom in need of societal change, positive influencer, creative collaborator.