The Beginning

Welcome to Clipt, a new beauty and technology startup connecting hairstylists to busy people for in-home haircuts. 

Who we are

We, the co-founders, are busy parents trying to have it all... Probably just like you. You see, we have been those people that are drowning while meeting all the needs and wants of ourselves, our families, and our jobs.  We have been the people who have not had time for the 6-month dentist checkups, the people who forget to schedule our yearly doctor appointments because there is always something else pressing, and unexpected circumstances popping up. 

How we choose to live

We are the people who want to make the most of this life spending it with our families but also growing as human beings and meeting our potential. We want the freedom to have hobbies we enjoy. We want to follow our passions, and create a legacy. We want to work just enough to enjoy life the way that we want to live it. It’s an uncharted way of living that our generation is working so hard to create. 

Economy and innovation drive our lifestyle 

And in this new way of life, new technology has lent itself to people just like you. There's InstaCart, where you can have groceries delivered right to your door so you don’t have to waste time in a grocery store when you could be at your son's hockey game. Just about every store has a curbside pickup. You can even get easily connected to your local handyman to put together an Ikea set you have no time or energy to figure out. Heck, you can have MCDONALD'S (which is literally already fast food) delivered right to your door.

But why haven't we taken something as simple as haircuts, and made them more accessible? Why do I have to call a salon, get an appointment for two months out or drive to the nearest salon-box-chain store and wait 20-30 mins to get a haircut?

A simple answer is that it hasn't always been legal. In fact, it is still illegal in many states (something we are going to help change). But because of the Covid-19 pandemic, many states relaxed their laws on home haircuts to service people who couldn't go out in the general public. 

The gig economy is skyrocketing as a way of living, where people can “hustle” a little extra to make the cash they need. There is a “You-do-you” movement where YOU can choose to work as much as YOU want so that YOU can live the lifestyle YOU want. And the opportunity extends to many. Contractors have the option of Angi’s list, a place to provide them with jobs in their community. Anyone with a clean driving record can drive for Uber. People with particular sets of skills can market themselves and find gigs on Fivver, Upwork, etc. Do you see what I’m getting at here? It’s about YOU and YOU getting more control. 

Our choice to join the revolution

And so, we set out to create a place for hairstylists to have their own “Gig” platform. One where they can fit work into THEIR lifestyle. An electronic network that can build their brand, promote services to their ideal clients, and have visibility in the community. We could go on and on about the benefits of this platform for hairstylists (and we will!), but we’ll have to do that at another time. 

We’re SO excited about the incredible opportunities to bring to hairstylists and to people like us, who just want our haircuts to be made easy. We can’t wait to share all the features of “The Clipt App” and the why behind them. The “whys” that prioritize control, inclusivity, accessibility, and protection are the foundation for every feature we’ve conceptualized into reality. 

We hope you’ll follow along the CLIPT journey and join us as we disrupt and upgrade the salon industry to empower those seeking more freedom. 


The ONE thing all hairstylists want.