Are YOU the right fit to cut with Clipt?

Image displaying a hairstylist's profile and brand on the Clipt app. The profile shows a gallery of great clips and hairstyles as well as a button to book the stylist.

Here are 5 ways to determine if you’d make an ideal stylist to cut with the Clipt app.

  1. Do you like freedom?  

Would you like the freedom to make your own schedule? With Clipt you can set your own hours and even choose “asap” booking to work “on the go” or make extra last-minute cash. You have the freedom to work as much or as little as you like. You have the freedom to pick your own clients. You receive appointment requests and can approve or deny clients based on their profiles and ratings. You have the freedom to set your own pricing. Basically, you call the shots, and what could be more freeing than that?  

2. Do you like money? 

The average commission salon may take up to 60% of a hairstylist’s service, leaving stylists with around 40%. The average yearly hairstylist earnings are ~$30,000 ( Salons take a large chunk from stylists due to pay overhead costs. Booth rentals can cost several hundred dollars a week. When you choose to book with Clipt you receive 80% of your service cost. And you set your own prices, so you get paid as much as you are worth. If you chose to use Clipt as your primary booking service you would make $42,000 per year with the same amount of clients versus the $30,000 in the salon.  

3. Are you comfortable going into people’s homes or offices?  

Maybe you have traveled to a remote location for event styling or maybe the idea is entirely new to you. Although providing in-home services is often standard in many service industries such as health-care providers, personal trainers, design services, therapists, etc. It is relatively new to the hair industry as the laws have changed to allow in-home haircuts.  

There are many benefits to traveling to a client’s home, such as connecting to clients on a more personal level, building trust, and flexibility. But one should always be cautious of safety. This is why we have put several safety measures in place for both clients and stylists. The in-home haircut sector is getting larger and could be a missed opportunity for your growing career. 

4. Would you like to hand-pick your clients? 

When clients choose to schedule with you, you automatically receive the request. Then you have time to approve or deny the request. You can use client ratings, and client profiles to see if you’d be a good match. If the client is a repeat client, you have access to your notes to determine if you have the time, energy, or desire to take that appointment. After they have booked the appointment, you have the opportunity to chat with the client. If for some reason that chat leads to you feeling uncomfortable with that client, you can flag them for review and cancel. Clipt sides with stylists and makes it a priority for you to feel safe and satisfied with who you choose to serve.  

 5. Do you like having more options?

The Clipt app allows you to build your career on your terms. You have can work in a salon and ALSO with Clipt. No Non-competes to be signed here. You can use Clipt as a part-time gig platform, or as your full-time career booking app. You can use Clipt to build enough money and a client base to open your own salon when the time is right for YOU. You can grow your client base with customers you likely would not have had access to otherwise.  


If you answered YES to all of these questions then you are an ideal stylist for the Clipt platform.  

You want to earn more. You want freedom. You deserve it.  

Let’s talk about how you can get started. 


Reasons for DIY haircuts you might not expect…


What would you do with the freedom to choose?