Reasons for DIY haircuts you might not expect…

…and how you can use this to improve your service

As hairstylists, our ultimate goal is to make our clients happy and satisfied with their haircuts. To do that, we need to understand what our clients want and need. Recently, we analyzed over 1500 TikTok comments from one of our latest videos and we've learned a lot about what they're looking for. Here are some of the key takeaways:

  1. People hated their hair when the stylist was finished but they didn't feel comfortable speaking up.

This is a common problem in the hair salon industry, and while it’s not the fault of stylists, there are absolutely ways we can address this.

We need to create a safe and comfortable environment where our clients feel empowered to speak up and give feedback. One way to do this is to encourage open communication and actively listen to our clients' concerns.

Follow us on Instagram for specific scripts on how to address client validation and leave your clients satisfied!

2. People felt shamed by hairstylists for asking for certain cuts.

As hairstylists, we need to remember that our clients are the ones who know their hair and their personal style best. It's our job to listen to their requests and make non-judgemental recommendations based on their hair type and face shape. We should never shame our clients for asking for a certain cut or style.

There is nothing more important than your client leaving and feeling empowered by their authentic style. Help them be the trend-setters.

3. People with curly/kinky hair seemed to have the most trouble finding an affordable stylist.

This is a significant issue, and we need to address it as an industry. In recent trends, curly hair is on the rise (check out the curly-girl method that swept the nation) as people are learning to embrace their natural textures. As hairstylists, we need to make sure that we're properly trained to work with all hair types, including curly and kinky hair. We should also make sure that our pricing is fair and transparent for all clients, regardless of their hair type. 

4. People largely took issue with pricing. Not just in rising costs but mostly they felt pricing isn't transparent. Often they were told one price, and it ended up costing more in the end OR they couldn't find it listed beforehand.

Transparency with our pricing and make sure that our clients understand the costs upfront is key here. This will help build trust and avoid any surprises when it's time to pay. It’s totally understandable that sometimes the client changes their mind mid-session and th can be the reason for price changes, but always be forthcoming BEFORE continuing the session. If you’ve had trouble addressing price changes mid-session try acting it out with a friend. It may sound silly, but practice will make you feel more comfortable speaking upfront about costs and ultimately your ideal clients will respect you more. 

5. Many people indicated the whole salon experience was overwhelming.

As hairstylists, we need to make sure that our clients feel comfortable and relaxed during their salon experience. We can do this by creating a welcoming and calming environment and providing clear instructions throughout the process. Never assume a person knows the process, always take a breath before the session and take time to talk to your client. 

Overall, there's a lot that we can learn from our client's feedback. By taking these comments and growing from them, we can become better hairstylists and provide a more positive and empowering experience for our clients. So let's take these lessons to heart and continue to improve your craft. A growth mindset will lead you to your desired career. We can help pump you up.


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