The Power of Social Stories for Kids with Autism

Clipt’s Haircutting Guide

Understanding Social Stories

Imagine you’re about to embark on a wild adventure but have no clue what’s ahead—probably a bit scary, right? For kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), that’s what many everyday activities can feel like. Enter Social Stories! These little gems were crafted by Carol Gray in the early '90s. They’re short, sweet narratives that describe situations or activities, offering kids a sneak peek into what to expect. Think of them as the ultimate spoiler alert for real-life events, reducing anxiety and boosting confidence.

Why Clipt Created a Haircutting Social Story

Now, let’s talk haircuts. We get it—haircuts can be as daunting as facing a dragon for some kids. The buzzing clippers, the snipping scissors, and the unfamiliar environment can all pile up into a sensory overload. That’s why we at Clipt have created a Haircutting Social Story! Our mission? To turn that daunting dragon into a friendly pet lizard, making the whole experience less scary and a lot more manageable.

How Parents Can Use the Haircutting Social Story for a better Haircut Experience

Using the Clipt Haircutting Social Story is like having a trusty map for the haircut adventure. Here’s how you can use it to prepare your child:


  1. Show a Picture of the Hairstylist: Think of this as a “meet the hero” moment. Show your child a picture of their hairstylist beforehand to turn a stranger into a familiar friend.

  2. Communicate Your Child’s Needs: Share the inside scoop with the stylist about your child’s likes, dislikes, and any special needs. This teamwork sets the stage for a smooth experience.

  3. Have Comfort Items Ready: Arm your child with their favorite comfort items—be it a beloved toy, a weighted blanket, or those ever-reliable noise-canceling headphones.

  4. Use a Talker (AAC): If your child uses a talker (AAC device), create a folder that matches the Social Story. It’s like giving them a personalized guidebook.

  5. Consult with Professionals: Chat with your child’s doctor, OT, ABA therapist, and other providers about their progress. These pros can offer golden nuggets of advice to tailor your approach.


  1. Hold Your Child Down: No need to play the role of a wrestling champ. Avoid restraining your child, as it can crank up the anxiety.

  2. Get Flustered: Keep it cool. Your calmness sets the tone for your child’s experience. Think of yourself as the chill captain of this haircut ship.

  3. Take Over the Stylist’s Job: Trust the stylist—they’ve got some magical tricks up their sleeves. Teamwork makes the dream work!

  4. Use Negative Talk: Keep it positive! Use encouraging language and celebrate the little wins. Positive vibes only!

  5. Compare: Every child’s journey is unique. It’s not a race, so don’t compare. Progress might look like a cha-cha dance—two steps forward, one step back. Focus on those small victories.

The Impact of Clipt’s Haircutting Social Story

Our Haircutting Social Story isn’t just a guide; it’s your child’s new best friend in the world of haircuts. By offering a clear, step-by-step preview, we’re transforming the haircut experience from daunting to doable. This boost in confidence and reduction in anxiety is a game-changer for kids and a relief for parents.

At Clipt, we’re all about creating a supportive, compassionate environment. Our hairstylists are trained to understand and cater to the unique needs of children with autism, ensuring every haircut is a step towards greater comfort and confidence.

By weaving Social Stories into everyday activities, we’re helping kids with autism navigate their worlds with more ease and joy. Check out our Haircutting Social Story and see how Clipt can make a difference in your child’s life—one snip at a time!


Understanding and Supporting Hyposensory Kids: A Guide for Parents and Clipt Hairstylists


It’s not “just” a haircut for kids with Autism.