It’s not “just” a haircut for kids with Autism.

For many children, a trip to the salon for a haircut is routine—a moment of grooming and relaxation. However, for children with autism, it can be an overwhelming sensory experience, filled with unfamiliar sounds, smells, and sensations. Understanding and addressing these challenges is crucial for both parents and hairstylists to ensure a positive experience for the child. Here’s a closer look at the hurdles faced and how to overcome them.

Challenges Faced

Children with autism often struggle with sensory processing, which means they may be hypersensitive or hyposensitive to various stimuli. The buzz of clippers, the feel of scissors against their skin, the sensation of hair falling—they can all be distressing for these children.

Additionally, changes in routine and unfamiliar environments can exacerbate anxiety, making the haircutting experience even more challenging.

Let’s work together

Parents play a pivotal role in preparing their children for haircuts, but you don’t have to do it alone.  Here are some strategies we can employ:

  1. Gradual Exposure: Introduce the idea of haircuts gradually, perhaps by showing pictures or videos of the process.

  2. Desensitization: Gradually expose the child to the sensory aspects of haircuts, such as the sound of clippers or the sensation of having hair brushed.

  3. Visual Supports: Use visual schedules or social stories to outline what will happen during the haircut, reducing uncertainty.

  4. Comfort Items: Getting an in-home haircut where the environment is familiar and comfortable and having security items like a favorite toy or blanket close by can help. 

What Parents Should NOT Do:

While it’s important to support their child, there are certain things parents should avoid:

  1. Forceful Restraint: Forcing a child to sit still or physically restraining them can escalate anxiety and trauma.

  2. Ignoring Cues: Disregarding signs of distress or discomfort can lead to a negative association with haircuts.

  3. Rushing: Rushing through the process can overwhelm the child further, making future haircuts even more challenging.

Seek Stylists Who Care

For parents seeking a positive haircutting experience for their child with autism, consider booking a Sensory Level 1-4 In-Home Haircut with a licensed hairstylist on the Clipt app. These stylists are passionate about accommodating the sensory needs of children with autism, and creating a calm and supportive environment for them to build their sensory skills.

By addressing the unique challenges faced by children with autism during haircuts and providing the necessary support, parents can help foster their sensory skills and ensure a more comfortable experience for their child. Together, let’s make haircuts a positive and empowering experience for all children.


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Autism Acceptance & Clipt